Car Acquired!

We picked up our 1969 Mustang Convertible on Friday, March 15th.

Our neighbor, Kris, drove us to the seller’s house, and we stopped at Native Fermentations for a pint on the way home.

Here are the details for the car:

VIN: 9F03F111075
Model Year: 1969
Body Style: 2-Door Convertible, Standard Bucket Seats
Exterior Paint: Royal Maroon Interior
Trim: Red Vinyl (Primary Color: Red Corinthian Vinyl Secondary Color: Red Kiwi Grain Vinyl)
Build Date: 30 September, First Year
DSO: St. Louis (DS) means “Dealer Special Order” info )
Rear Axle: 2.79:1
Transmission: C-4 Automatic
Assembly Plant: Dearborn, MI
Body Serial: 2-Door Convertible
Engine: 302 2V
Unit #: 111075


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